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Combination stone:Alumina oxide (Red Box)



Sharpening stone FIVE TIGER BRAND (Red box) are a type of combination stone made of Alumina oxide. The smooth (fine side) have the sharpness of 240 while the rough side have the sharpness of 120.

This product are for the knife or tools that does not require much of the sharpness.  

Eg. Glass knife, glass scissors, shovel, hoe.

Abrasive : Aluminum Oxide

Type :  Sharpening stone 2 sided (Combination stone)

Term of delivery:
Domestic (Thailand)
Wholesale customer:
Bangkok Metropolitant area: free (The delivery depend on the Company's weekly routing and queue. Should you wish for faster delivery the delivery charge may apply )
Other province: Customer must pay the delivery fee of the nominate the transporter
Retail/ Online customer:
All: Delivery fee according to Thai post/ Kerry

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