
Last updated: 15 Jul 2023  |  452 Views  | 


Grinding stone is available in many colors to choose from. which raises the suspicion that How does each color have different uses? If looking at the grinding compounds that are used in production, they can be divided into 2 major groups:

Alumina Oxide Abrasives are used in steel workpieces.
Silicon Carbide Abrasives are used in non-ferrous or semi-ferrous metal workpieces.

For selecting the fineness (number) of the stone, simple but effective, we should consider

Coarse grits are used for work: soft, fibrous materials such as plated steel, brass or aluminum.
Fine grits Use fine grits for work : hard materials such as steel, cement, carbide, glass, etc. Fine polishing of small workpieces.
The workpiece that is polished into the corner, the choice of use Grinding stone grade, soft stone grade, or hard stone grade

Use soft grades for : hard materials such as steel and carbide, large workpieces, work that requires quick polishing.
Use hard grades for : softer materials, smaller workpieces when extending the life of the grinding wheel.
Suitable for high horsepower machines. In general, wet sanding using Vitrified Wheels can use hard grades without sacrificing the finish.
Grinding work is a job that requires time, detail and patience. There are many techniques to get the job out according to the desired specification. You can study and try it out. from subsequent articles. which will be a guide line

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